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Welcome to the Gulf Coast Financial Advisor's Podcast Network! 

Coasting in Retirement:

Coasting in Retirement is dedicated to the financial planning and investment management needs of pre-retirees and retirees living an active lifestyle along our part of the Gulf Coast. Host Josh Null and co-host Michelle Melton dive into relevant financial topics, plus have a little fun with the "Michelle with the Headlines of the Week" and "Josh's Crystal Ball & Big Mouth" segments. You can hear the original broadcast of Coasting in Retirement every Sunday starting at Noon on 106.5 FM out of Mobile and every Monday starting at 10 AM on WHEP 92.5 FM / 1310 AM out of Foley.  

Focus on the 5: 

Focus on the 5 is conversations with Baldwin County, Alabama area entrepreneurs and business leaders. Alabama numbers its counties, with Baldwin County being number 5 of out 67 total, hence the name of the show. Tune in to hear great conversations with local people as they describe their professional and personal journeys to entrepreneurship, business ownership, and more often than not, overcoming obstacles that changed the trajectory of their lives.

Every Dollar Counts with Josh & Jay:

Dedicated to those interested in planning for their future and wanting to learn more about how investments and insurance really work. Join co-hosts Josh Null & Jay Stubbs every week as they break down products and services in an easy going and educational manner!

Episode 40: Fixed Index Annuities Thumbnail

Episode 40: Fixed Index Annuities

Our topic today is what most, if not all, insurance carriers that offer annuities view as their product of the day. Really, the product of the past 2 decades - that is, Fixed Index Annuities, or FIAs for short. Regular listeners will recognize that term and for today’s show we are going to concentrate on the dominant player in the annuity space right now, and that is FIA’s - by a mile.

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Episode 39: True or False Insurance Questions Thumbnail

Episode 39: True or False Insurance Questions

So Jay and I thought we would test each other’s insurance knowledge and hopefully shed some light on common questions, sometimes common misconceptions, about insurance. Specifically, life insurance, disability income insurance, and long term care insurance. We are also going to delve into the news of the week and our predictions for the future. We may even get into the effects of the election on financial investors.

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Episode 38: Vampires Thumbnail

Episode 38: Vampires

Now of course we’re not talking about real blood sucking vampires – those don’t exist, right Michelle? – but more reality-based vampires. I’m talking business partners that suck you dry, personal relationships that drain you of your life’s blood, and most important for our listening audience, the vampire activity that my industry, financial services, often inflicts on the investing public. You may be unknowingly paying thousands of unnecessary fees in your investment accounts to these financial vampires! Our episode today will give you the information you need to recognize these blood suckers before they get their fangs into your money.

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Episode 64: How to Work With Jay & Providence Partners Thumbnail

Episode 64: How to Work With Jay & Providence Partners

In this episode, Josh Null and Jay Stubbs discuss Jay's experience and role at Providence Partners and Providence Benefits. Jay shares his personal story of how his father's passing and the importance of life insurance influenced his decision to pursue a career in the financial services industry, focusing on the risk management side. He explains his role as an intermediary and advisor to financial advisors, helping them navigate various risk management solutions for their clients.

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Episode 63: How to Work with Josh & GCFA Thumbnail

Episode 63: How to Work with Josh & GCFA

In this epsiode, Josh discuss why clients should work with his firm and what sets them apart, such as their fiduciary-based approach, years of experience, and ability to cater to clients who have built wealth through entrepreneurship or consistent saving. He also addresses how GCFA can be a good fit for financial advisors looking to go independent or find a succession plan.

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Episode 62: Disability Income & BOE for Financial Advisor's Clients Thumbnail

Episode 62: Disability Income & BOE for Financial Advisor's Clients

In this episode, Josh Null and Jay Stubbbs share personal anecdotes and case studies to explore the potential impact of accidents and long-term disabilities on one's ability to work and earn an income. Josh and Jay highlight the significance of protecting income through proper insurance planning, especially for young professionals and those in high-paying, demanding jobs.

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