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Bottom line, we treat our clients' money as we would treat our own money. Everything we do...planning, managing, investing...is based on that that level of care.

Our Mission

The foundation of our practice is the education and enlightenment of our clients so that they understand what is happening with their money, and why. Whether we are helping a young family start out, or a retiree celebrate the gift of a long life, we serve as a watch dog to protect what our clients have built, or are trying to build.

What Sets Us Apart?

Competent, knowledgeable and relentless focus on risk management and efficiencies of fees & expenses within a financial plan, while accounting for the fact that we are all human with human emotions. People hire us because relationships matter. Being fully independent also sets us apart because we only answer to one boss: YOU.   

How Do We Get Results?

At the end of the day, people want their financial plan to work as advertised. Period. So for us it’s about the continual sharpening of proven strategies – marrying common sense money management processes with downside protections, and never, ever forgetting the goals of the client. 

What Contributes To Our Drive to Succeed?

The hard-earned lessons from our own personal financial journeys. Just like many of our clients, we’ve had to work hard to get where we are. Having experienced real life financial lessons, not just something out of a textbook, means we can honestly offer judgement free, no-pressure financial guidance. It’s more than just operating in “best-interests”. It’s about ALWAYS being on the lookout out for our clients. 

What Does the Future Hold? 

We continue to expand, grow and learn, and we are not afraid of change. To stay relevant and productive in our industry, you must always be learning and you must always be on your toes. We will never rest on our laurels. And no matter how much our practice grows, we will always focus on making sure our clients know the score as well.