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We are growing along the Gulf Coast! 

We're actively looking for financial advisors that desire true independence and to grow a book they 100% own, and also for those advisors that are winding down their career and looking for a succession plan!

Our organization is focused on the needs of those in or near retirement, living an active lifestyle along our part of the Gulf Coast. We also specialize in high level planning for mature business owners. We are looking for advisors to help grow our Fairhope office and our presence along the Eastern Shore. We are also currently looking for advisors to work out of our satellite offices in Mobile and Orange Beach. Our plans also include expanding to Pensacola and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. And beyond.

Build a practice for yourself, not by yourself. 

We are looking for financial advisors with at least 3 years of experience in financial services that either desire to truly own their book and have independence, or to enhance the growth of their existing book, but not be stuck in a "lone ranger" setting. Advisors would need to have, or be willing to pursue, their Series 65/66 and/or CFP designation. We are open to discussing an advisor having a limited-service Broker-Dealer relationship, but due to the nature of our marketing, and industry trends in general, partnering advisors should plan on actively moving towards a fee-based set-up, with the only commissionable business coming from fixed insurance products sold as part of a comprehensive financial plan.

Advisors looking for a Successor Relationship and to maximize their final payout: 

It's well known that the Financial Advisory industry is aging, with the average age of advisors in the mid-to-late 50's. Of course, being in your late 50's or older doesn't mean you're ready to be put out to pasture. The bigger issue facing advisors that are transitioning to retirement is the lack of younger advisors to fill their shoes, and the gap in technological capabilities between the generations. 

Gulf Coast Financial Advisors addresses both of these concerns. Our core group of producers are young enough to have many working years ahead of us, while old enough to not be "wet behind the ears" and a danger to client retention during the transition period. We have utilized technology to run a very efficient business, from the platforms we use, to the methods we onboard and service clients and how we communicate with prospects and clients. We have also leveraged our online presence, social media, podcasts and the Coasting in Retirement radio show to be as publicly active as possible so that your clients will feel part of a professional and engaged organization.

Who we are looking for: 

For advisors that plan to continue working for several years, we are looking for those of you with $10 to $50 million in AUM. For advisors looking for a succession plan, we are looking for those of you with $25 to $100 million in AUM. These AUM target numbers will grow as we grow, but we feel this level of producer would be most comfortable and satisfied joining the GCFA team. 

We feel that for advisors with several working years ahead of them (like us), we can immediately help with prospecting, marketing and branding. We also offer true book of business ownership - even going so far as removing any "non-solicit" clauses in our advisor contract! Having made several business transitions though-out our own careers, we simply feel that your clients are your clients, and if you're not happy at GCFA, then you're entitled to peaceful exit with the clients that you worked so hard to secure. What a strange concept in our industry, right?! Our bet is that you will embrace the open, honest and supportive culture we have built at GCFA. 

For legacy advisors looking for a succession plan, we have the ability to facilitate an immediate exit, but also offer a unique proposition for those of you looking to ease your way into retirement. Let us re-brand your office as a Gulf Coast Financial Advisors' branch office, bring our marketing and prospecting process to your practice, especially adding the "Coasting in Retirement" radio show to your local market, and together we can help turbo-charge your practice over 2-3 years, resulting in a higher payout for you! This also allows plenty of time for your clients to get to know us. We've all heard the horror stories about an abrupt advisor exit followed by mass client exodus to competitors' firms. We have a client-first culture that recognizes and respects the deep relationships you have with many of your clients, and we do everything in our power to carry on the legacy that you have built. 

The value of the Gulf Coast Financial Advisors brand.

Through trial and error over several years, Gulf Coast Financial Advisors has honed our marketing, prospecting and branding efforts so that prospects feel compelled to reach out to us. Most leads are already very comfortable and familiar with us when they reach out, and in many cases, they have already made their decision on whom they would like to handle their financial planning and investment management needs. Our core branding belief is that it's hard to do business with an advisor if the interested prospect can't easily find and engage with them, so we put significant effort into being available where prospects are looking, when they are looking, and how they are looking. 

For those of you interested in producing your own content, we will work with you to become comfortable producing videos, audio content, blogs, webinars, weekly email updates, etc., all aimed at building prospect engagement with you and growing your book of business. 

In other words, if you would like to leave behind the days of relying primarily on cold-calling, networking and referrals to build your book, we can help. We aren't looking for your "Hot 100" prospect list or to ask you to pester your family and friends into doing business with you. What we can do is help you develop your inbound marketing strategy to complement your outbound efforts. We will incorporate your individual brand into our corporate brand and marketing processes, and coupled with your own prospecting and networking efforts, the result should be an increase in opportunities and quality of prospects. 

Take a listen to our advisor-focused podcast, Every Dollar Counts:

Making the Leap to Being an Independent Financial Advisor:

Josh and Jay dive deep into what it truly means to be an independent financial advisor. They discuss the pros and cons, highlighting the flexibility and comprehensive service offerings that come with independence. They also touch on the challenges of establishing a credible brand and building a supportive team around the advisor.

RIAs, IMOs, BGAs: What Financial Advisors Need to Know:
                                                                                        Josh and Jay explore the complex world of financial services acronyms. Starting with an overview of their roles and backgrounds, they explain the various organizations and terms that industry professionals encounter.

The Process: 

Often, making a move to a new RIA means figuring out many things on your own. Wouldn't you rather avoid having to re-invent the wheel and focus on what produces revenue? We have an established process to make this transition as smooth as possible: 

Focus on your clients, not your computer screen: 

For those of you have had your fill of staring at performance charts and stock graphs across 3 computer screens all day, or maybe you're just tired of constantly chasing the performance rabbit with your clients, we have a sub-advisor agreement with Fairhope based Aptus Capital Advisors. You can learn more about this relationship by visiting our Team page: https://gulfcoastfa.com/team/investment-management-team

The advisor world is changing rapidly. If you think you are at least running in place, that means you are probably falling behind without realizing it. Take action to change that. 

Send us a 100% confidential message to start the conversation. Or simply call 251-327-2124 / email jnull@gulfcoastfa.com Remember - we too emerged from situations that required due diligence and discretion, so any conversation stays between us. You have our word. 

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