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Comprehensive Financial Planning:

Setting the GPS coordinates for your life's goals, then building the roadmap to get you there. 

Financial Planning doesn't have to be complicated. Nor do you need to have accumulated a large nest egg to justify investing in a plan. There isn't a "perfect" time to assemble a financial plan - whether you're a couple of years away from retirement, or 20+, a comprehensive financial plan can help guide you through the steps necessary to secure enough assets for your optimal retirement lifestyle. A financial plan can also provide a roadmap to financial freedom, helping reduce financial stress when you're ready to work less, change careers, go in business for yourself, pursue a dream, chase a hobby or just...relax.

In the past, a financial plan often involved reams of paper and several meetings, assembled for a significant expense. These plans tended to be more of a "snap-shot" in time versus a continually updated, dynamic plan. While some planners still operate in this "Stone Age", Gulf Coast Financial Advisors uses the latest technology to streamline our planning process to make it not only user friendly, but also a reflection of your current financial situation in real time, available at your fingertips.

Our planning process is designed to recognize that our client's are busy, and looking for solid value for the investment of their time and money. Most plans are delivered for a fee of $1500 to $2500 (depending on complexity of your situation), with a small additional fee for reviews or significant changes. Our consulting services are also available for an hourly fee, or a one-time fee for review of unique situations. Whatever the arrangement, you will know what you are being charged upfront, in a transparent, fee-for-service process.

How we build & service a Comprehensive Financial Plan in 3 easy steps:

Gather Information: 

We help you conveniently gather your financial information via our electronic fact finder. This robust tool has fields for your personal information, account statements, goals, expenses, etc.  It also allows us to filter out the information that is not applicable to your situation. 

Meet to assemble information, clarify goals, set expectations and build your plan:

We are available to meet in person at our offices in Fairhope or Orange Beach, or via video conferencing, whatever your preference. In today's busy world, it's often a combination of the two. We don't limit the number of meetings - some situations require more conversations than others. Want to just talk? We view availability as a skill, and hold ourselves accountable to do something as simple as pick up the phone. Stressed about a pressing financial decision? Call us! 

Utilize Financial Planning Tech to deliver the plan and keep you updated in real time: 

We utilize Right Capital to give you convenient, real time access to your Comprehensive Financial Plan. Right Capital provides an easy to use, easy to understand client portal that can serve as your financial digital hub.

Follow up:

Often in the past, an advisor would plop down your plan in a thick binder of complicated words, charts and graphs (that you would never read fully), pat you on head and wish you good luck. You would possibly hear from the advisor once or twice a year, and all too often that follow up was spurred by the advisor desiring to sell you additional products.

That's not how we do things at Gulf Coast Financial Advisors.

Our financial planning process typically leads to an ongoing, growing relationship with our clients. We often partner with a client's attorney and CPA to form a team that helps that client navigate their major life and business decisions. Our goal is to serve as YOUR advocate to help YOU achieve YOUR life's goals. We win by you winning. It's that simple.

Want to start the conversation? You can submit a message on this website, email jnull@gulfcoastfa.com or simply call 251-327-2124! 

Disclosure: A comprehensive financial plan does not in and of itself guarantee financial success or achievement of goals. There are multiple human, investment, medical and economic factors that can, and will, affect the ultimate success of any financial plan. That is why it is so important that your plan is continually updated to reflect your ever changing life. See bottom of this webpage for our full investment disclosure.