Coasting in Retirement Ep 6: 5 Ways to Generate Income in Retirement, Part 1
Josh and cohost Michelle discuss ways to use both your investment assets and possibly your real estate holdings to generate passive income.
Josh and cohost Michelle discuss ways to use both your investment assets and possibly your real estate holdings to generate passive income.
Josh and cohost Michelle finish the remaining 3 Intentions from their 2 part mini series, the Top 7 Financial Intentions that every retiree and pre-retiree should have for 2023!
Josh and cohost Michelle discuss why New Year's Financial Intentions are better than resolutions: - Sequence of return risk can create compound growth by having a plan and other assets classes to dip into. - Benefits get higher every year you delay taking Social Security until age 70 - A higher interest rate environment can help with income production in retirement - Owning equities can help combat inflation
Josh and cohost Michelle discuss different types of annuities, including Deferred Income Annuities, Immediate Income Annuities, Fixed Annuities, Multi-year Guaranteed Annuities, Fixed Index Annuities and Variable Annuities.
This episode touches on a couple of recent developments in the speculative investment space and tie those into our theme of the week: things that pre-retirees and retirees should either NOT have in their investment accounts, or at the very least, be very educated about before investing.
This week we are going to discuss a variety of investment topics, but they’re all going to be at least somewhat related to an issue on the top of mind of just about every investor or consumer, particularly those folks about to enter retirement or already retired: inflation.