Coasting in Retirement Ep 16: I Wanna Talk About Me!!
What do we do at Gulf Coast Financial Advisors, exactly?
What do we do at Gulf Coast Financial Advisors, exactly?
Have a written last will and testament, and if necessary, an estate plan. We’re going to go more in depth on this, but a quick note – you don’t always have to have a large estate to need an estate plan.
Host Josh and co-host Michelle discuss the recent bank failures of Silicon Valley Bank, otherwise known as it’s initials SVB, and another unrelated bank called Signature Bank.
We finish up part 2 of a 2 part series we called “5 ways for retirees to generate income in retirement”. We laid out the first 3 ways to generate income in our last episode, and today we’ll discuss the last 2.
Josh and cohost Michelle finish the remaining 3 Intentions from their 2 part mini series, the Top 7 Financial Intentions that every retiree and pre-retiree should have for 2023!
Josh and cohost Michelle discuss why New Year's Financial Intentions are better than resolutions: - Sequence of return risk can create compound growth by having a plan and other assets classes to dip into. - Benefits get higher every year you delay taking Social Security until age 70 - A higher interest rate environment can help with income production in retirement - Owning equities can help combat inflation