The Tech We Use To Serve Our Clients
In the episode, Josh and Jay discuss the technology platforms used by their respective firms Gulf Coast Financial Advisors and First Protective. While GCFA and First Protective are not affiliated companies, they both have experienced significant growth over the past few years, and both have leveraged technology and platforms to service their growing client base. Josh and Jay discuss not just using client facing tech for tech’s sake; the best platforms are easy to use and make both the advisor’s life and the client’s life easier.
Tune in to learn how Josh, in his role of owner of Gulf Coast Financial Advisors, has focused on a couple of tech platforms to service his clients: Orion Advisor Solutions for investment management, Orion’s corresponding financial planning tool Advizr; Precise FP for electronic risk tolerance quizzes, digital fact finders, onboarding questionnaires and satisfaction surveys; and finally, QuickBooks to help his clients get a better handle on their monthly cash flow.
In his role serving advisors along the Gulf Coast, Jay has leveraged Virtual Sales Assistant to provide his advisor clients with up-to-date, non-carrier specific educational content, such as sales materials and one-pagers; Vive and iPipeLine to streamline the insurance application and avoid the paper based (and mistake prone) insurance application process of the past; and finally Doc-u-Sign for efficient and accurate delivery of policies and agreements.
You can reach out to Gulf Coast Financial Advisors to set up a no-cost, no-obligation discussion about your particular needs by call 251-327-2124, emailing jnull@gulfcoastfa.com, or setting an appointment on our website at Gulf Coast Financial. Independent and semi-independent agents and advisors can reach Jay Stubbs at jaystubbs.com.
Disclosure: Advisory services offered through Prime Capital Investment Advisors, LLC (“PCIA”) a federally registered investment adviser. PCIA: 6201 College Blvd., 7th Floor, Overland Park, KS 66211. PCIA doing business as Prime Capital Wealth Management (“PCWM”) and Qualified Plan Advisors (“QPA”). PCIA and Gulf Coast Financial Advisors are not affiliated. Gulf Coast Financial Advisors (GCFA) , Prime Capital Investment Advisors (PCIA), Prime Capital Wealth Management (PCWM) and Qualified Plan Advisors (QPA) do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. The information provided herein is not a complete analysis of every material fact regarding any strategy; it is intended only to provide insight into the opinions of the author. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.