How do I fund a Buy / Sell Agreement?
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Josh & Jay welcome Will Steih, Managing Director of Prime Capital Investment Advisor’s Tennessee office, to the studio for Chapter 2 of 5 in our Business Owner Strategies & Solutions (B.O.S.S.) Series, a discussion about Buy / Sell Agreements. What does a properly structured buy / sell agreement look like? Why is an unfunded buy/sell agreement considered just a “promise”? What are the “triggers” in a buy/sell contract? Listen in to hear important concepts & solutions to consider!
Key Takeaways:
- Buy/Sell agreements should be a properly structured protection plan for the involved parties.
- An unfunded Buy/Sell agreement is just a promise.
- A Buy/Sell agreement can be triggered through death, disability, retirement, and unforeseen circumstances
- Having an “arms-length” team of professionals & advisors working together and advising on your buy/sell agreement can be important, especially when dealing with a family business.
Show Links:
Gulf Coast Financial Advisors
Prime Capital Investment Advisors
Qualified Plan Advisors
Financial Fitness for Life
First Protective