Building a Financial Wellness Plan That Works
A comprehensive financial wellness plan begins by thinking about whether employees have a foundation to get through the ups and downs in the short-term and the mid-term
A comprehensive financial wellness plan begins by thinking about whether employees have a foundation to get through the ups and downs in the short-term and the mid-term
Josh holds a discussion with Matthew Eickman about how the CARES Act, the Electronic Disclosure rule and litigation have affected 401(k) plans, particularly during a Covid-19 global pandemic. Matthew is the National Retirement Practice Leader for Qualified Plan Advisors and has a background as an ERISA attorney. This is the second chapter in a four part series addressing top of mind issues facing plan sponsors & business owners during a time of unprecedented change!
And so ultimately, the biggest concern is not about making sure that every individual in this entire country understands the stock market or every aspect of it. The real question is how are we handling that emotionally? What type of behavior are we experiencing or concerned about when it comes to employees?
On March 27, 2020, Congress passed a historic $2 trillion economic stimulus package. Created to help offset the financial hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, here's what you should know about this recently passed bill.
Social isolation doesn't mean we're immune to hearing, reading and talking about the coronavirus. But before you make any drastic financial moves, we've outlined some important things to consider first.
The market’s negative response to health crises is nothing new. How will coronavirus impact the market and your personal finances?